the HorseWisdom Channel Guided by Equus
Tune into the experiential universal wisdom of the horse for harnessing the power of potential within!
The HorseWisdom Channel is dedicated to the exploration and illumination of the sacred relationship within the horse/human connection, for those seeking a deeper and more harmonious connection to themselves, the horses & all of life.
Join soul wisdom intuitive Jess Campmans and the Guided by Equus herd of Butte Morgan horses for an experiential journey into the deep embodied heart of the wisdom we seek to help us make meaning & cultivate personal soul growth through that which we must confront & reconcile with as existential crisis, challenges & curses in our lives.
HorseWisdom is an invitational bridge into authentic intrinsic connection.
The HorseWisdom channel is a sharing of experiences that offer insight and inspiration through stories and perspective for aligning with what is integral to sacred relationship with yourself, the animals, the universe & all of life by becoming a channel of the wisdom within.
Find out more about HorseWisdom Guided by Equus at
the HorseWisdom Channel Guided by Equus
HorseWisdom for August 2020: Preparing to Culminate our Wisdom
#008 The month of August is the beginning and culmination of a giant piece of our puzzle that will actually help us solve it this month if we can pay attention to our field of awareness. The themes that arise are around letting go of what it is we think we want, so we can actually see things for what they are and be able to come to a greater awareness of how to streamline our lives for being able to stand in the awareness of our truth.
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Want to gain deeper insight into the wisdom you hold within to elevate your relationship with your horse(s), the animals, yourself, spirit and life?
Book a session with Jess & the Guided by Equus herd HERE!
Learn more about this life enriching & transforming work
find us on Facebook JessGuidedbyEquuswithButteMorganHorses
and connect with us on Instagram @jessguidedbyequus
Theme music: "Passage"
(the process or channel by which something passes through; a collected movement of the horse where energy is calmly centred and directed upwards rather than forwards, and the natural impulsion carries the horse forward through the expression of the movement)
Artist: Ugonna Onyekwe